11 Plus Maths TUTOR UK


Super-affordable £8/hour, expert 11-plus and GCSE online tutors from India for Years 4/5 and above

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With correlation between SAT scores and 11+ exam performance being fuzzy, many smart Asian parents in the UK hire expert tutors from 11PLUSMATHS.COM to secure admissions into UK's selective schools. Our Maths tutors help students improve their math and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in the 11+ exams, while our English 11-plus teachers build up the verbal, reading and comprehension skills.


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The 11plus exam, for some 10 and 11 year old students in the United Kingdom, is administered in England in their final year of primary education and determines admission to grammar schools and other private secondary schools which use academic selection.

INDIAMATHS' expert 11plus tutors from India provide deep preparation coaching for academically deserving students in these sections of the test

  1. 11plus English tutors
  2. 11plus Mathematics tutors
  3. 11plus Verbal reasoning tutors
  4. 11plus Non-verbal reasoning tutors

Description : 11plus courses offered by INDIAMATHS.COM for UK students in mathematics, non-verbal reasoning, English and verbal reasoning.

There is a chronic short supply of maths teachers in the UK which is being filled by expert online coaches from "India Maths".

Did you know that in addition to the 11+ exams, the UK also has SATS at the KS2 and KS3 level to prepare the child for their KS4's or GCSEs?

How important are SATs to schools ?
Primary Schools think SATs are important because they're measured on them on a national basis. Your child's school will lay great stress on English and Maths SATs in Year 5 for this reason. Your child will sit externally marked SATs in English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) and in Mathematics during the second week of May in Year 6.

As every 11+ online tutor from India knows, Science is no longer included in externally marked SATs (only in 'teacher assessments') so 11+ tutors from India began to notice that in the UK, Science takes a back seat early in Year 5. Parents should bear in mind that the Year 6 SATs scores for his or her child at KS2 set the "starting point" for a Government (DfE) calculation of expected GCSE outcomes, upon which their entire middle school expectations and progress are measured.. Secondary school performances are measured nationally against targets set for youngsters with similar Year 6 SATs levels. Tutors from India for the 11+ and SATs speculate that a higher SATs score achievement in Year 6 will either cause your child's middle school to push for higher GCSE attainment grades for your child, or be measured adversely by the DfE. Conversely, a lower SATs score level in Year 6 will allow the middle school to be measured against lower expectations for your child's GCSE grades and for the totality of their instruction up to KS4, ie. regardless of whether your child had a bad SATs week, or was a "late starter". Under these confusing circumstances you really need online 11+ tutors from India to guide your child to his target.

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11plus tutors from India


11 Plus Maths TUTOR UK

1. Russia Aviation : "Prof Roys group is teaching my son for IGCSE mathematics 0606 and physics 0625 by using our Russian text books also. So I recommend them."

2. Tania Gerhardt : "We stumbled across this great IGCSE maths and physics coaching group for my son in Delhi. Unlike another Indian IB tutors we contacted, this group was geared to teaching IGCSE / IB mathematics the way its taught internationally for excellent A+ results"

3. Lars Imhoff : "I find this is a good and honest mathematics coaching website from Neu Delhi India"

4. Sigurd Demont : "Very professional mathematic teachers for IB HL mathematic. Now also teaching the IB AA and AI HL and SL mathemetic. Prof Roy is very good if you are assigned him."